Your Gifts are Important to So Many

God has given us so much! 🙌🏼 Every gift makes a difference as we fulfill God’s calling to serve our congregation and community. THANK YOU for your generosity this year!🤗  

A short story: James* came in one day asking for help. He is unemployed, homeless, and living in his car. James receives a pension, but it doesn't last long. Typically, clients must choose between a food or a gas voucher. James asked for gas money to keep warm at night, but through your giving, we could give him vouchers for food AND gas and a blanket to keep warm. Tears filled his eyes when we handed him a small bag of toiletries. Such little things can make a huge change in someone's life. "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." (Matthew 25:40b) ❤️

We have met 82% of our tithes & offerings, but we still have a ways to go in only a few short weeks. The end of the year is the perfect time to give, and we make it simple and convenient with our easy-to-use online giving page. In addition to ensuring your gift falls within 2023 for tax purposes, it’s a chance to finish the year on a solid note of generosity. ✨

The IRS' rules regarding the deadline for gifts to the church:
- In Person – Physically received by the church by Dec. 31
- US Postal Service – Postmarked by Dec. 31
- Credit Card — “Fully processed,” i.e., approved by the credit card issuer by Dec. 31

The church office is closed between Dec. 25 and Jan. 2; we will check the mail periodically for your mailed gifts. * Not his real name.

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