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First Baptist hosts lunch and talk featuring Dr. Tim Holder

Pigeon Forge, Tenn., February 25, 2025 –  First Baptist Church will host a community luncheon on Wednesday, March 12, at noon featuring Dr. Timothy (Tim) Holder, a regular host of "The Leading Edge" podcasts on Joy620/WRJZ in Knoxville.

Dr. Holder will present a talk entitled "George Washington: Man of Faith." He shared his thoughts on the subject: "Skeptics say George Washington did not care much about his faith, but studying Washington's life -- including his journals -- leads to a different conclusion. This look at Washington will grapple with interesting issues like why Washington stood up when he prayed, the truth behind the famous painting of Washington kneeling in the snow in prayer, why Washington did not take Communion, Washington's repeated close calls with death, and even the cherry tree story."

This event is open to everyone. The church will provide a light lunch at no charge. You may RSVP via a sign-up sheet in the hall behind the sanctuary or via this online form. Please bring a dessert to share and invite a friend to join us for this fascinating talk.

Dr. Holder will also have copies of his books Devotions with Presidents and Presidential Stories: Another Kind of Devotional available for purchase. They can also be found on

First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge Observes 110th Anniversary

Pigeon Forge, Tenn., Oct. 7, 2024 – First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge, Tenn., invites all current and former members, pastors and staff, as well as the public, (including community members and tourists), to participate in its 110th anniversary celebration on Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024, at 10:00 am, in the church sanctuary. To celebrate this milestone special Homecoming Day event, First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge will hold an informal extended service, which will feature former and current members and staff presenting special music, a memorable message and a presentation on the history of the church, followed by a catered luncheon on the grounds. The 436-member church congregation (many of whom were raised coming to the church) invites everyone to attend the homecoming service as well as all future worship services, religious instruction and activities at the church.
Minister Kenneth Stansberry will be the featured guest speaker at the anniversary worship service. He has a history with First Baptist Church, having served as the church’s interim pastor for approximately six months in 2012, right before he retired.  Stansberry is the former pastor of the historic Bethel Baptist Church in Jones Coves of Sevierville, Tenn., and of Providence Missionary Baptist Church in Seymour, Tenn. “I look forward to coming back and seeing old friends and delivering the word of God,” Stansberry said.

Mike Gwinn, director of the Pigeon Forge Community Chorus and former music director of the church, will serve as emcee for the service and will recognize former members and other guests. During the service Gwinn will provide special music and a 10-minute sing-along and his wife, Kathy Gwinn, a historian on Appalachian life and a former history teacher, will present a 20-minute history of the church. Piano music will be provided by Ronnie Spann, former church pianist. Music will also be provided by Shannon Whaley, current church music worship leader, Linda Woodward, current church choir director, and the church’s congregation choir. Danny Dorminey, chairman of the Trustees, deacon and a member of the Campus Enhancement Committee, will briefly talk about planned campus improvement projects. There will also be representatives on hand (both in person and by video) to talk about missionaries and mission projects the church is currently supporting throughout the year, and how God is using them in our country and our world.

Following the morning worship service, a catered luncheon by Buddy’s Bar-B-Q will be served at noon in the fellowship hall of the education building and outside in a tent on the grounds. The meal will consist of barbeque, potato salad, coleslaw, fruit and vegetable trays, a celebratory cake, and many desserts to share. There will be a time of renewal and fellowship with guests through late afternoon.

Rev. Dr. Terry Kirby has been pastor at First Baptist of Pigeon Forge since Jan. 1, 2022. Kirby, a native of Knoxville, has served for over 25 years in senior pastor positions in Tennessee, including pastor of First Baptist Church, Dover; Rocky Hill Baptist Church, Knoxville; and Alpha Baptist Church, Morristown. He holds a doctorate in expository preaching from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the creator and editor of the “I Am Bible” and the author of “The Liberty Keys: God’s Instructions for Keeping America Free” and “Grace Life.”  He has been recovering from open heart surgery but hopes to attend the church’s anniversary worship service and festivities.
 “Come join us at First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge for a day of worship, celebration, fellowship, and delicious food,” Kirby said. “Let’s celebrate this special milestone together as a community!  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enjoy a fantastic day filled with laughter, music, memories and heartfelt conversations.

“This event is a perfect way to worship God, connect with old friends and make new ones,” Kirby said. “We welcome members of our community to come share in this time of remembrance of past history and achievement in our community, as we commit ourselves to the future in accomplishing ministry and worship.

“We thank God for the many blessings that He has bestowed upon our First Baptist Pigeon Forge family throughout the past 110 years,” Kirby said. “We are anticipating a glorious and exciting celebration. We hope you will join us as we celebrate in worship, praise and Thanksgiving.”  Kirby said his passion is to boldly communicate the Word of God to transform lives that lead God’s disciples to obedience and abundant life and to encourage each Christ follower to spend time in daily Bible reading and prayer.

Established in 1914, First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge, 3290 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, was the first permanent church in Pigeon Forge. The original building was located on Dollywood Lane near the golf course, and the church’s cemetery is still situated there. The church has been holding services at its current location since 1960.
First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge wants to ensure its legacy continues in the community for the next 100-plus years. In addition to Sunday morning worship services (customarily held at 10:30 a.m.), the church has an adult midweek 5 p.m. Wednesday night bible study and prayer service, Sunday School bible study classes held in small groups either at the church at 9:15 a.m. or by group conference call at 8:45 a.m. and an active men’s ministry with a monthly Saturday 8:00 am. breakfast. Online services are provided via Facebook Live and YouTube. The church also hosts the Kingdom Culture Education Homeschool Cooperative and a large international ministry for J-1 college and university students, led by Hearts for Internationals. The vision of First Baptist Church is to be a joyful thriving family growing in faith, hope and love.

In preparation for the anniversary event, First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge’s Campus Enhancement Committee has been working hard to renovate the church’s facilities and resurface the parking lot. In February, the fellowship hall was redecorated entirely with new flooring, paint, acoustic panels, and window treatments. In March, improvements were made to the church sanctuary, including replacing the sanctuary’s stained-glass windows with new thermal-insulated tinted windows and new muntins from Southern Glass Company of Maryville, Tenn. Earlier this month, the parking lot was refurbished, sealed, and restriped.

A handful of believers, united in faith so long ago, established a church that has become an integral part of the Pigeon Forge Community. First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge is looking with a vision to the future for a continued vital ministry in Pigeon Forge. The church is part of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, the Southern Baptist Convention, and the Sevier County Association of Baptists.

First Baptist Church Announces 110th Anniversary Event for October while Renovating Church Spaces

Mrs. Joanne Whaley, event chairperson, and Dr. Terry Kirby, Lead Pastor at First Baptist Church in Pigeon Forge (FBCPF), announced recently that the congregation will celebrate their 110th anniversary on Sunday, October 20, 2024. The event will take place at the church on the Parkway.
First Baptist Church’s 110 Anniversary event is still in the planning stages. The committee has invited current and past members, pastors, and staff to attend the celebration. The tentative schedule will include a special worship celebration and a catered luncheon on the grounds.
           In preparation for the event, the FBCPF Campus Enhancement Committee has been working hard to update the sanctuary and fellowship hall this year. They expect to complete most of, if not all, of the changes in time for the Anniversary Event in October. The fellowship hall was redecorated entirely in February with new flooring, paint, and window treatments. Later, during the sanctuary renovation, the fellowship hall will serve as a worship space for the congregation. In March, Southern Glass Company of Maryville, TN, replaced the sanctuary’s stained-glass windows with new thermal-insulated tinted windows. The muntins were installed in May.
Additional plans include installing new entry doors and bathrooms at the front of the building. The church’s pews will be refurbished and reinstalled to accommodate a center aisle, and updated flooring, lighting, and paint will complete the project.
First Baptist Church wants to ensure its legacy continues in the community for the next 100-plus years. Founded in 1914, First Baptist Church was the first established church in Pigeon Forge, TN. Many of the church’s 442 members were raised there, and they count among their worshipers some “regular” visitors who come to worship whenever they are in town for vacation or work. The original building was located on Dollywood Lane near the golf course, and the church’s cemetery is still situated there.

TN Baptist Foundation Presentation

On Sunday, March 3, 2024, Dr. Tod Tanner of the TN Baptist Foundation presented information to help you plan your estate. The Foundation hopes that “through faith-based estate planning and planned giving, church members acknowledge the needs of their families, as well as their church, association and other Baptist institutions by placing a portion of their estates in trust to meet these needs.”

The TN Baptist Foundation is a 501(c)3 corporation chartered by the State of Tennessee and directed by a 15-member Board of Trustees elected by The Tennessee Baptist Convention. They aim to “advance the Church by investing in its people and helping them fulfill the Great Commission. Through faith-based estate planning and planned-giving guidance, the TBF helps today’s generation bless the next generation.” The TBF helps our Baptist churches, associations, and institutions build strong bridges to the future through investment and financing services.

Copies of the Estate Planning Checklist and the Estate Planning Worksheet are available by clicking the buttons to the right.