August 20 Vote

UPDATE: On August 20, 2023, FBC members approved the first three steps of our journey. Our new Mission Statement, Values Statements, Strategy, Vision Statement, and our Year 1 Objectives are listed in the ReFocus Booklet (downloadable via the button on the left):

Mission Statement:
"Helping People Discover and Enjoy New Life in Christ"

Values Statements:
  • Authentic Prayer and Worship: Be real in loving God and worshiping Him.
  • Biblical Truth with Integrity: Be rooted in Biblical truth, letting it transform our lives.
  • Life-Changing Discipleship: Be disciples who abide in Jesus, grow, and reach beyond ourselves.
  • Loving Family: Be a faith family that demonstrates love in our homes, church, and community.
  • Whole-Life Stewardship: Be faithful to use our time, spiritual gifts, and resources to glorify God.
  • Love people as God loves them.
  • Invite people to discover new life in Christ.
  • Nurture new believers in their relationship with God.
  • Multiply disciples through equipping and sending.
  • Disciple people to grow in Christ.
Vision Statement:
We intend to be a joyful, thriving family growing in faith, hope, and love.

Year 1 Objectives:
  • (By Fall 2023)
    • Launch Weekend—September 24, 2023
    • Sermon Series Launching new vision
    • Develop Discipleship Strategy
    • Develop ministries to fulfill the nurture step of the strategy
    • Develop new communication strategy
    • Printed/digital/social/texting/phone
    • Start providing monthly ReFocus®updates
    • Explore revitalization partnerships
    • Connect with other churches to enjoy shared ministry.
    • Begin to study the following areas in context of new vision
      • Facilities
      • Property
      • Finances
      • Personnel
  • (in January 2024)
    • Identify six key opportunities to launch us into the community (intentional outreach)
    • Initiate dialogue with town leaders to identify needs to be met in our community (Gospel opportunities)
    • Complete review of governing documents to ensure they are written to protect our religious freedom most effectively, and share results of evaluation with the church




