Operation Christmas Child

change a child's life with a Christmas shoebox

Operation Christmas Child materials are now available.
You may take a shoebox from the stage or from the hallway table.

There are labels, “Let’s Be Friends!” worksheets, packing suggestions, and more.
Shoebox gift ideas include:
A WOW item: a soccer ball with a pump, a doll, or shoes

Toys: small cars, jump ropes, toys that light up and make noise (include extra batteries)

School supplies: pens and pencils (include a sharpener), notebooks, and solar calculators

Personal care items: toothbrush (no toothpaste), washcloth, hairbrush

Accessories: socks, sunglasses, jewelry, flashlight (include extra batteries)

Click the links below for a comprehensive list of gift ideas and for a video with more packing information.
Ways you can help:
Fill a shoebox and return it to the church.

Donate $10 to FBC to pay for shipping the boxes. Write “SHOEBOX” in the memo of your check or online donation.

Fill a shoebox online. The $25 covers the contents and the shipping costs. Scan the QR code below to go to the site.
Build a shoebox online